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Pediatric Healthcare Questions?
When it comes to raising healthy, happy kids, parents have a lot of questions about a lot of things. Dr. Porter and Dr. Galloway are always here to give you the answers. It's also helpful to have multiple sources of information right at your fingertips. Choose a topic below to find helpful information to a variety of pediatric healthcare topics.

Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a common condition often diagnosed during childhood. It can be difficult to diagnose if it's mild, or it can be more obvious if it's associated with hyperactivity (ADHD). Often, the first indication is a call from a teacher with concerns related to a child's ability to stay on task and complete their school work.
Signs of ADD/ADHD include:
Inability to complete a task/assignment or taking excessive amounts of time to complete a task, assignment or homework.
Failure to pay close attention to detail and making careless mistakes.
Not paying attention to instructions.
Not following directions correctly.
General disorganization.
Easily distracted by external stimuli.
Loses things frequently.
Is always on the go.
Can't sit still.
Impulsive behavior.
Talks excessively.
Other learning disabilities may be associated with, or mimic, ADD/ADHD. For these reasons, it is important to make a proper diagnosis prior to starting treatment. This disorder is often inherited, so parents and siblings may also exhibit similar symptoms.
If you have concerns that your child exhibits symptoms of ADD/ADHD, download and print the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for Parents, and the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for Teachers. Fill out the Parent questionnaire, and have one or more teachers fill out the Teacher questionnaire, and return them to our office. Below are helpful links and several books, that can help answer more of your questions on diagnosing, managing, and treating ADD and ADHD.
Taking Charge of ADD by Russell Barkley
Understanding Girls with ADD by Kathleen Nadeau
ADHD and Teens by Colleen Alexander
ADHD A Complete and Authoritative Guide by Michael Reiff
Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood by Edward Hallowell
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Helpful Resource Links for Autism
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Emotional Wellness
Fitness & Nutrition
Oral Health
Helpful Resource Links for Oral Health
5 Dental Health Printable Activities to Teach Kids About Oral Hygiene
Car Seat Safety
Helpful Resource Links for Car Seat Safety
Car Seat Safety and How to Choose The Right Car Seat For Your Child.
Helpful Resource Links for Your Child's Sleep