
We administer vaccines according to the schedule of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The practice of immunization has saved more lives and prevented more permanent disabilities, than any other public health intervention. Immunizations protect our us from many serious illnesses such as measles, meningitis, polio, pertussis, pneumonia, and diphtheria. Some parents are concerned about the safety of immunizing their children and choose to delay or sometimes actually withhold various vaccines. By not vaccinating your child, you are putting your child, as well as other children, at risk.

The Hemophilis meningitis (HIB) vaccine has virtually eliminated this devastating illness. However, the Hemophilis bacteria can be carried in the nasal passages of healthy adults then passed onto un-immunized infants and children. Delaying this vaccine for even a few weeks, can leave your infant or child at risk for this illness.

The DPT vaccine prevents pertussis (whooping cough). Early immunization is important because infants and young children are the most susceptible to the severe form of this illness. Children under the age of 6 months who get pertussis, are at risk for sudden death or a prolonged debilitating cough that can last up to 3 months. Those that survive this illness can be left with permanent mental disabilities. This bacterium can be carried in the nasal passages of healthy individuals and passed onto un-immunized infants and children.

Some parents are choosing to delay, or skip, the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine due to the inaccurate belief that there is an increased risk of autism associated with its administration. These concerns stem from a flawed research study done in 1998. It has since been concluded that this study was flawed, and violated basic research ethic rules. Subsequent research studies have demonstrated NO connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Dr. Porter and Dr. Galloway do not recommend, "alternative vaccine schedules" which suggest splitting, or delaying immunizations, as this will leave your child susceptible to these devastating illnesses during the most vulnerable time of their life. Additionally, there is no proven benefit to alternative vaccine schedules. If you choose NOT to vaccinate your child, we respectfully ask that you find a healthcare provider who shares your views.

Richardson Pediatrics
A young girl blowing bubbles

More Vaccine Information

Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)

Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) provide you with information about each vaccine.

Click on the well-check appointment below, that you have scheduled for your child. This will provide links to the Vaccine Information Statements specific to your child's appointment.

Have more questions? Please call us for answers. (972) 235-6911